Guilty of all of the above! That’s what makes a good mumma. My heart aches at times when they’re not here.

My best/worst lie was telling the girls that the flake in the 99 Mr Whippy ice cream was a piece of wood and mummy better take it for them… this went on until they were about 6 & 7… as a treat with some of their friends we bought said ice creams. The girls’ friends asked why are you giving your mum the chocolate flake, that’s the best bit 😳.

In my defence, both girls, now 24 & 25 although felt it so very mean, have said they will probably do the same when they have their own children! The legacy will live on! 😂😂

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This is genius! X

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Lynda Checkleyjust now

I don’t have children but I can totally relate to number 5 on behalf of my partner. He has four kids and rarely do any of them send him a card. Even on big birthdays. He says he doesn’t care but keeps checking the post and is like a bear with a sore head. And occasionally when one does miraculously appear it’s like the house is filled with sunshine and flowers.

He cares. A lot ❤️

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Absolutely, yes! My “boys” are 37,28, and 23… they will always be those boys that need me. Even if it’s just in my head. I admit the younger 2 are still living with us, and yes I’d keep them forever!! I will be the worst empty nester ever!!

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Oh yes... I think I'm the same with all the above!

And my personal one, "nope there's no more (insert name of fave choc here) left." While I know I have a personal stash hidden away! 🙈

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Oh I love you, I so had my own stash of treats! Glad I want the only one lol

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Lol! I think every parent has that stash!!

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Guilty too!

My husband was worse though, he told my children that when the ice cream van played a tune it meant it had run out of ice cream! They didn’t believe that for long!!

My dad told me I couldn’t have a puppy until I was ten and from age of 7 I kept thinking ‘great presents.. but when I’m ten..’. So I really believed it and told my neighbours the week before my tenth birthday who mentioned it to my parents… It was just said as a throwaway comment and they had no intention of getting a dog!! I’m over it now and I think forgave them… I think it was of its time… maybe.

So when beloved Tiggy was going to the vet and I knew he wasn’t going to be coming back to purr again and be stroked by my young children, I was cross when my mum said to the children that he might have to stay at the vets forever to be looked after…. I wanted my children to not have a sanitised view of the death of a pet. So we talked about maybe he’d gone to Heaven..

As for me… I lie all the time..

I’m fine …. Anyway Amanda you’re coming to hospital with me tomorrow.. not a lie; you’ll be on my kindle and I won’t lie to the medics and will tell them how I’m feeling etc.

Happy Sunday everyone

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honoured to be your companion darling X

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I, too, must be a bad person 🤣

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Guilty as charged especially no.6 when my son and his wife moved to Yorkshire, I wanted to scrabbled on my knees and grab his legs begging him not to go. 💔

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My daughter lives in Cape Town, she’s having my first grand child next month. I will never hold my first as a new born. This makes me sad. But for the amount I see my boys who live 2 hours away at the most I talk to my daughter most out of any of them. Video calling definitely helps without a doubt. I think it’ll seem harder when my grandchild is born. They are coming here for a month in November then it’ll be a few years again before I see them. It’s hard but we have to take the positives don’t we?

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Aww Mandy, guilty as charged, every single one of the 7! ☺

The latest episode has been my youngest daughters less than faithful husband, he was my favourite son-in-law and fell from that perch quite dramatically to the lowest of the low! She is a better woman than me and has been working through the heartache and trying to rebuild the relationship, but will she ever really trust him again? I think not! I certainly won't. My son was seeing a lovely girl for the last three years, she couldn't make up her mind either, whether she wanted her previous life or a life with Martin. He is now nursing a broken heart and she is definitely off my Christmas list.

I am always 'fine' if they ask. No one ever really knows how much I am screaming in my head for attention/TLC/someone to listen, etc. They have their own worries and lives to get on with.

Keep your 7 Things coming, they really brighten my day. Take care of yourself and I hope you are sticking to the blocked out times for you time.


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What a mixed bag. Well #1 obviously, haven’t we all? Well I know some who didn’t but it’s all part of the fun. My youngest pretended for me for one more year that he still believed I found out recently, he’s now 22. #2 I can’t actually remember. #3 doesn’t apply, #4 so far I’ve only disliked one girl who stopped one of my sons wearing his fave top and was bossy, I’ll not lie I prayed for that one to end.#5 I have never made it secret that I love gifts both giving and recording. One Mother’s Day I got nothing, I have 4 kids . Youngest son saw how upset I was, I’d have been soo happy with a hand drawn card or even just a letter, after all a stamp doesn’t cost much. Now they all club together, I know because youngest son tells me lol. I’d still be happy with just a hand written note from each of them. But of course I keep the gifts they send. My fave things have their photos on them. And this year in fact next month I become a grandma for the first time…. Excited is an understatement. #6 yes I miss them but I am soo glad they’re all out in the world, but I cope by turning my brain into other things as much as possible so that I don’t worry. They are also not allowed to tell me if they are off out drinking with mates coz then I do worry. #7 I have health issues that have caused me to also be disabled from their teens so I can’t lie and say I’m fine. I’ve had to be honest through necessity but there are still times where I say I’m fine even when I’m not but not often…..

What a great list of 7 things this time. Def made me venture down memory Lane in a good way. Thank you 😊

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Absolutely yes. I am guilty!!! 🧡🧡

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