Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

I've got to agree with you on most of those, Mandy!

(I can be guilty of the So one, when im writing blog posts! 😳)

Can I add people who don't say please or thank-you? It's not hard, is it?

And those who don't think a child's opinion is as important as theirs?

There are others, but I'd end up with another post in your comments, lol!


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SO, I completely agree about please and thank you! And YES to children's opinions! Thank you Xx That was THANK YOU! X

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I am, I’m ashamed to say, guilty of one of these pet hates. But which one??

Can I add things that don’t end up where they should be, even though that should be place is right next to where they leave things? I’m talking recycling stuff that is left two feet away from the box. Dirty dishes left on the counter above the dishwasher. Discarded clothes next to the laundry basket. Shoes next to the shoe rack. Aaaargh !!! xx

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Oh yes, this is a good contender! Drives me crackers too! X

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

People in cinema queues, who get to the counter and then ask those they are with what they want, then 10 minute discussion takes place. Ask in the car, on the walk to the cinema...

Lateness, yes, especially when no update or apology...

Rude people, especially to waiters, shop staff etc...

People who talk down to you.....

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

I have to agree with most of those, racing cashiers is a pet hate as are litter bugs and book vandals. I do have to admit I drop SO at the beginning of sentance’s sometimes but I do try and stop myself.

Gravel is a pet hate of mine, who wants a gravel drive? Awful to drive over, flicks stones at the car, you can’t walk on it, especially in heels.

As much as I recycle everything I do hate those little recycle buckets that people have for food waste and teabags that sit on top of the kitchen counter with rotting banana skins and soggy tea bags etc sorry but its gross 🤮 (it doesn’t help I don’t like tea).

I could go on, you’ve got me thinking about all these things now my list will be about 70 by tea time x

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Nicola this has made me laugh - i hear ya on the mini compost bin!!! But gravel?? I rather like the crunch of it under tyres! And you are allowed the odd SO. Xxxx

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

I have to admit to recognising some of these pet hates. I hadn't thought about 'So' at the start of sentences but I loathe 'like' used so often. I find myself counting how many times it is used in one sentence 😕. How sad am I 🤔

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Karen I am with you, like... it's like... like.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

I agree on all,of those points, I also have a dislike of being addressed as ‘GUYS a& MATE.

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Brenda I might be guilty of calling my friends mate! Xxxx

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

You’re not wrong on any of those! 😂 There’s plenty more to add!!! X

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Caf - I could have gone on! X

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

You and me both!😂

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Amanda Prowse

Dear Twinnie - I hear you! 😂 ❤️

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Thank you Amanda. All 7 are exactly the same as mine. I don't mind super fast cashiers in Aldi because you just put your shopping back in the trolley and take it to a shelf where you can pack it at your leisure. then you don't get your baked beans on to of your grapes and bananas

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Another brilliant ‘7 Things’. You have just about voiced all of mine there, I also agree with Ritu, bad manners are grating. The other one for me is people spitting on the pavement, why? For goodness sake, use a tissue. Keep these coming Mandy, they make me feel less alone in my views xxx

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I hate most of the things on your list too, especially the disregard of books.

I would add my absolute disgust for dog owners who let their dogs mess either stay on the ground or flap from trees in plastic bags…. if you took the trouble to pick it up don’t leave it to decorate a tree!!

Next hate.. people who say I seen this..

I done that… I was sat…. Sorry but I’m inwardly correcting them.

People who like to tell you they’re not prejudiced in any way and go on to explain exactly why they are!!

I know I’m becoming old and cantankerous as I find myself shouting at people on the TV more and more… must try not to!!

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Yes Yes!!! I am guilty of beginning a sentence with so. I just find it fun but I think I shall have to at least cut down the frequency 🧡

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