Oh Amanda how your post resonates with me! You see I am 10 years a bladder cancer patient and I go every three months to have a check inside with a camera on a catheter.. it’s not too bad really and as I am about to have more invaders removed … these checks plus chemo have saved my life. BUT why then when male or female are looking at my nether regions, why do I feel the need to fold away my knickers under my jeans on the chair? Bizarre behaviour really!

I hope it’s also ok to post here that May is Bladder Cancer Awareness month… so please anything that shouldn’t be in the loo.. please get checked. Knickers!!

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I love this Alison, knickers indeed!!!! Here we are folks - check this out:https://fightbladdercancer.co.uk/get-involved/bladder-cancer-awareness-month Xx

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Thank you for posting the website.

Your post cheered me no end today… but then they always do!!

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I’m so glad it hasn’t taken you Alison. I have major bladder issues thanks to that so called wonder invention known as mesh. Currently have a suprapubic catheter and see the consultant next month about bladder removal and a stoma. I too make sure my undies are hidden amongst my other belongings. I reckon we all do it.

Good luck with the removal of more invaders.

I run a bladder and bowel and digestive tract support group on Facebook. So I echo your call that if it’s not meant to be there get it checked

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Best wishes to you too.

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Thank you xx

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Your posts really cheer me up only you could make a story about Knickers so interesting a lovely start to the day xx

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Barbara - even the word makes me laugh!!!! X

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Your not alone !!! Gone are the days of nice pants to impress the other half now I have ones that are comfortable and if not sag and fall! This post was just the remedy I needed after a crappy week !!

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Sending you lots of love Lou Xxxx

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Mandy, I never ever got on with dainty underwear even as a youngster...

And g-strings, or thongs? I mean, why???? Why put yourself in that uncomfortable position where you feel you might be cutting yourself in half, but, at least there's no VPL!

It was always either plain black or skin-coloured bikini cut knickers, but now, I have the full 'mummy tummy' briefs!

Can't even call them knickers! BRIEFS!

Not the 'suck your tummy in so much you can't eat or breathe' shapewear types, just the ones that cradle our paunch gently, saying, "don't worry, I won't let you wobble around too much!"

Oh, and they have that gusset large enough to hold the liners we all need after a certain age, with security!!!

Gotta love out knickers. I'd never go without, either!

Commando? Me? Eh, no ta, very much!


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I can hear my mother saying, "Make sure you have clean underwear in case you get in an accident." I probably even told my daughters that (because who would tell their son that?) but now, you've been peeking in my underwear drawer. Snapped elastic, baggy, holey - and comfy. Bras too. Why replace when I could instead buy another book? Thanks for another fun column.

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Thank you for sharing your knickers history, so funny and honest....lovely to read something not just to make you smile, but to laugh out loud! Some of your readers’ comments made me smile as well....bonus.

Can I just add my good wishes to Alison and others for good luck in the future......and yes, I hide my knickers when visiting hospital or doctors etc. even though I make sure they are decent.

Please keep sharing with us. lol

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At least we’ve now gone past the phase of having period pants….

Oh the joys of being a woman!

Yet again my lovely friend, you are not alone xx

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Oh dear!! Your wonderful way with words. This is oh so funny and oh so true. 🧡😂🥹👏🏻😍

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Oooh you’re just so normal in a lovely way. Absolutely Loving these stories …. Thank you 🙏🏻 I am 74 shortly and each time I’m going out I have ALWAYS heard my Mums voice saying, “ make sure youve got decent underwear on in case you’re in an accident!!” 🤣😁😂😄😅😃

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Oh but honestly who wants to wear something fancy that is uncomfortable. Give me ugly comfort any day 🤣 and my bras are affectionately known as over shoulder Boulder holders hehe

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