I am so very sorry for your loss. You described it beautifully. I lost my oldest sister in 1982, 40 years ago. The pain will lessen, but never go away. Tears and heartache will eventually slow, but life is forever changed, replaced by a new normal. Grieve and let your memories heal you.

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Lori - simply - thank you - I shall read and reread your words Xxxxx

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Oh darling my heart goes out to you and all your family.

I think it’s so much harder when you lose someone who still has so much left to live for. My brother lost his husband aged 63 after a long illness. But even having time to ‘prepare’ doesn’t help. Mike is still grieving 4 years later and he always will. But he’s coping better now. It’s a bit of a platitude but I think time does heal, albeit you may never truly recover.

Sending massive hugs and if that’s where you need to be stay under that duvet 😘

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Sending you and Mike all my love - my heart aches for us all X

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This. Exactly this. Such brave and wonderful writing in memory of Simon and to help others. Sending you love. xx

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And I you Linda Xxxxx

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Sending you all lots of love and hugs Mandy! Life can be so cruel at times, with no reasoning for happenings.


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Thank you Sue Xxx

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Simply beautiful Mandy. And fully portrays how we're all feeling right now.........xxx

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My darling sister Xx

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Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I'm a bereavement counsellor with a hospice and today I shared your words with a lady and when I finished she had a tear running down her face and was nodding. Just thank you for your utter honesty ❤️

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Mary I found this really moving - what a wonderful thing you do - sending you all of my love Xxx

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Good evening Amanda

My Husband died six weeks ago today from terminal cancer, I suppose I was lucky I had some time to get used to the idea I wasn’t going to have him with me for long. You see I could have lost him five years ago when he had a heart attack and was rushed into hospital, he was 51 then, that was the day before our 23rd wedding anniversary (4th November) he didn’t make it to our 28th.

He got diagnosed with cancer on the 17th December last year, he’s had a really tough year, in and out of hospital with various things one being called discitus which stopped him having any chemo for months and by then it was too late the cancer was starting to spread.

He tried his best to be the happy man that he was, he was never an unhappy man always wanted the best out of life especially for me and our son.

There’s a massive hole in our lives now, the house just isn’t the same but we know we have to carry on, it’s what he wanted he told us so in a note that he secretly left us, we found it a few days after he left us.

We’ve tried to stay positive, we are now going to raise as much as we can for our local hospice where my husband passed away by doing the Yorkshire three peaks challenge with around 30 friends and colleagues, the staff are beyond amazing to see and do what they do day in and day out they deserve everything we can raise. They have been such a big support.

Thank you for sharing your story about your brother. Take care of yourself and hold those beautiful memories of him so close.

Lots of love

Fiona Paolucci

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Fiona my heart goes out to you and your family. I want to speak to you privately - not sure if you follow me on Instagram but if you do - could you message me? Just want to send you a little something. With more love than I can express. Amanda X

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Hi Amanda

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.

I don’t do instagram but my son does if you send me your instagram handle I will be able to talk to you with his phone, he’s called Giancarlo x

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My instagram is: @mrsamandaprowse X

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Thank you Amanda.

My son is at work at the moment when he gets home I’ll get in touch with you x

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Thank you

I can feel your pain 🤗💞🌹xx

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Helen xx

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Oh Amanda. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother! Sending you much love at this sad time and praying that the memories of good times together will bring some small comfort amongst the grief and tears. xxx

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Thank you Corinna X

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Big hugs to you and your family ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you Claudia Xx

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I’m so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful way of expressing how we all feel when we lose someone we love. My heart goes out to you and your family. 💕

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We all know that feeling don't we and yet it still feels so isolating. Sending love Lucille Xx

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Sending you lots and lots of love and keeping you in my thoughts xxx

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Thank you Linda xx

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I feel your pain, for the journey you are now travelling with grief.

Just remember to be kind to yourself during this process xx

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Thank you babs xx

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Preparing for my mother’s funeral next week as I read your post.

This week my daughter has the anniversary of her friend who couldn’t live with life and decided to leave early…. that has been so hard for her to bear whereas my mother leaving was hard but expected. I wrote the poem for all who grieve. My love to you Mandy 😘🤗

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When waves overpower you

and knock you off your feet

When the loss of a loved one

engulfs you,

When you feel that you might drown.

When every waking moment

You ask yourself just Why?

When you have no more tears to cry.

All you know is the love and loss

and a space that can’t be filled

Then one day you find you’re paddling

memories no longer break you

You allow yourself to think of things

The things you used to do

You feel the love, you feel the warmth

You know the love won’t die.

Grief is hard, grief is raw

But the hurt starts to withdraw.

all that was, all that was shared

All is there,

Nothing compared

It’s all inside of you.

© 10 months ago, Ali

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Beautiful X

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Sending hugs and love to you all, take time out for your family and remember all the cherished memories with your brother 😘😘

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Lovely Brenda X

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