Seriously, Mandy! Starting my Sunday with a snort, or ten, of laughter!

7 things that make me feel old...

1. The music the kids want to listen to in the car, compared with what I'd prefer to be crooning along to!

2. The fact that I'm frowning at what Lil Princess wears and I actually say "you're not going out in THAT, are you?" despite knowing full well I wore worse as a youngster!

3. Being in bed at 9pm and ready to sleep!

4. Being unable to sleep past 6am, because, well, grown up body clock!

5. That stray chin whisker that keeps appearing!

6. I'd rather a warm drink, than anything alcoholic, to celebrate something!

7. The fact that 4 out of my 11-strong team at work could easily be my children!

But, you know, they say you're only as old as the man you feel and mine is younger than me! 😉

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...and what a lucky man he is! X

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Works both ways, Sis 🥰

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true that!

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Apart from 1 and 7 - I am with you! Xxx

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I can definitely relate to all of these, and Rita's too! I laughed out loud at the phonetic alphabet because I can't remember any of them if I'm on the phone and asked to spell something phonetically! Why, WHY, is it that the only words I can think of are rude words!! 🙈

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Stella! me too! The compulsion to swear is always strong... Glad i'm not alone! X

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Absolutely brilliant and so true!!! All of it! Have you ever seen my bits and bobs drawer?!! And crying with laughter at the thought of your bin dance!! Let’s do it together one day….😂😘

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That sounds like a plan. And yes, I have seen your bits and bobs drawer and it was organised and neat. I was gutted... X

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No kids and never did but still yes

I do www.

Of course I have a bits and bobs drawer, more than one to be honest

I love bin day I think they are amazing and should be paid a lot more. Imagine having to dispose of all your own waste 😳

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I couldn't agree more about the pay. I live in the middle of nowhere and they are incredible! I'm so thankful for what they do. X

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Oh Mandy, I thought this was written about me 🤣🤣 especially relating stories that they have heard before 🤣🤣🤣

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Maria, I'm glad it's not just me!! ...did I tell you that already? Anyhoo, I'm glad it's not just me... X ...did I tell you that already? Anyhoo, I'm glad it's not just me... X

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Thanks for another giggle!

I am guilty of No. 3...... but more than one such drawer ( and cupboard, and shelf, and so forth!) lol.

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Maybe that's the answer Yvonne - to not have a bits and bobs drawer - but to make them ALL BITS AND BOBS DRAWERS!!!!!!!! X

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Loo roll… yep, yep and yep!

Now they’ve moved out they seem to manage it though, just saying 😉

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Caf you trained them babies well! Xx

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😂 on a good day!

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I agree with you Mandy, with just 1 exception....phrenetic alphabet...I use that when on the phone. Anitta laughs at me when I ask her a question about the computer, so I just remind her that I taught her to use a spoon and fork....we then both laugh.

The loo roll replacement has always been a bone of contention in most homes. Why is that? No problem for me now there's only me.

Thanks again for another good giggle. xxx

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I love that you remind Anitta of this and will steal this to tell my kids too! Why is the loo roll thing so difficult? It drives me crackers! X

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Ticked off all 7 my kids nodding in agreement with your boys and I can almost see them checking each other out for th nursing home 🤣😂🤣😂

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Can you IMAGINE!!!!! XXX

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Yes yes they resonate with me. I really have tried to cut my “bits and bobs” drawer down to one. I talk on the phone to one of my sons and will just be chattering away excitedly and on the other end total silence. I’m sure they are napping. So when I say are you still there they’ve apparently answered me but I guess something happens to the sound on my phone. I will be excitedly relating all the smart and darling things his granddaughter has been doing and total silence. I say am I boring you and he says “you know I don’t like to talk on the phone mom”. In his defense however I’m sure he knows nothing about the child. The alphabet one, oh my gosh 😂😛🤣😁.

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I can sure relate to this!!!! X

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Totally relate with the loo roll !! Another thing that makes me old is when I get excited about a new appliance apparently

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I hear ya Lou! New appliance love is real!! X

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My granddaughters got kitchen appliances for Christmas and we’re quite excited and they’re young 😊

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LOVE this!! I used to have a tiny Hoover which I was obsessed with as a toddler. Weird, as I never go near the one I have as an adult! X

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So many of these (and Rita’s) resonate. Toilet rolls particularly 🙂

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WHY is it so hard just to pop one back on the thingy? They are even stored within reach - they wouldn't even have to leave the loo!!!!! X

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